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Are there any labeling foils which also adhere safely to oily substrates?

Not only oily substrates but also very structured or porous surfaces are really challenging for the adhesive power of the labels. Also demanding are surfaces like polypropylene, polyethylene or challenging lacquers, as well as curved surfaces. For those application areas as well Folit has innovative materials with excellent adhesive power in program which are suitable for in- and outdoors. They will be used on technical tissues or in steel processing on corrosive and smeary metallic surfaces. These high-performance foils are also up to mechanical strain or cleaning processes. The foils are dimensionally stable and resistant against weather influences.

Folit delivers precisely processed foil cuts which are exactly adjusted to the needs of the label manufacturers.

Which are the most common labeling materials for safety labeling and which functions do they have?

In safety labeling identification and tamper protection are in the first place. The safety labels will be applied when product safety, brand protection, authenticity protection and unique identification are important. These label materials identify the manipulation attempts and thus prevent fraud. For example they decompose when tried to be moved to a different substrate.

Likewise, certain safety materials – so-called void-labels – leave letterings or checker pattern (checkerboard) on a substrate when being removed without permission. This way e.g. the opening of an electronical device can be proved and therefore the claims for warranty become invalid.  This safety function is invisible in the undamaged condition of the label.

Folit has different upmarket safety materials by 3M, Flexon and other manufacturers in range and will surely find a foil tailored to your requirements. 

Do the labels for chemical industry or medical technics have to be laminated additionally?

No, even when the labels in these branches are under heavy mechanical load and contact chemicals or detergents, an additional laminating foil is not necessary.  The upmarket quality foils are that robust that they resist solvents, chemicals and strong abrasion. Also the contact of the labels with acetone, MEK (methyl ethyl ketone) or brake liquids is problem-free. Furthermore, these labeling foils can be subsequently inscribed with variable data at your site, and the color ribbons specially fitted to this purpose guarantee an excellent smear resistance.

Which extreme temperatures do the labeling foils resist?

Folit has different materials in range, which find their application in the environments with ‑40 °C (‑40 °F) or up to +300 °C (572 °F). These high-temperature-resistant foils are also resistant against heavy mechanical load. These are high-performance acrylate foils and pure-aluminum-foils which also resist cleaning processes and will be used in circuit board assembly as well as in automotive and aeronautical industry and also in chemical industry. Important information like serial numbers and barcodes stay perfectly readable. 

Are the labels of foils for laser engraving copy-resistant?

The labels of foils for laser engraving come in action for example as inventory plate or type plate and serve the purpose of forgery-proof identification for the whole lifetime of a product.  The label cannot be non-destructively removed and leaves traces. This way a tamper can be proved. The labels of foils for laser engraving are extremely robust and resist chemicals, solvents, heat and weather influences.

Is the lamination foil subsequently inscribable?

It is possible to inscribe the lamination foil subsequently. The imprint can be made with silkscreen, flexographic or letterpress printing. For the inscription with thermal transfer printing the suitable foils are provided with a print-prepared surface coating. The transparent lamination foils are available matt and glossy.

Lamination foils offer an excellent protection for the labels against weather influences, abrasion and chemical load. The labels appear even more high-quality due to the thicker material of the whole and have pleasant haptics.

Are there any removable labeling foils which can be fully removed without residue?

There are different materials available for the temporary labeling. According to the requirements to the adhesive power the later labels are provided with a respective adhesive glue and are very easy removable. Labels which will be applied only for a short time protect parts during the production against dust and scratches. Other labels protect displays during the transportation to the customer and stick only with adhesion. 

What are the spacer foils suitable for?

These will be used for the bonding of the contact layers of the membrane keyboard when a certain space is specified. Furthermore, the spacer foils come in action for the bonding of a decorative foil onto the tactile membrane keyboard when a specific key-operating force has to be considered. 

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